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Cop Followed me, any way put

04-04-2005, 07:01 PM
it was new years eve night when i was driving on the streets and my radar detector went off, so i slowed down and sure enough there was a cop. next thing i know he was behind me for a good mile. i get to a light to turn left. i stop because a car is approaching the intersection but the car puts on his right turn signal so i proceed to go thinking i have enough time to complete my turn before the car gets to the intersection. well mid way through the turn i stop thinking this is a bad idea with a cop behind me but at this time im already in the intersection blocking traffic so i complete the turn. sure enough cop pulls me over. first he says i was speeding which i wasnt, then said i drove wreckessly through the intersection. so i give him my info but before he leaves back to his car i ask him if im getting a ticket, he reponds i dont know yet. sure engough i get a ticket for failing to yeild on a green. do i have a chance to fighting the ticket since i did yeild then proceed into the intersection.if so what hould i do.oh yea and i also told the cop i saw you behind me and it made me nervous thats why i went through the intersection before the car, so i made it clear i knew he was behind me.
sorry about so much writing

Sen Sen
04-09-2005, 01:51 PM
yeah man, fight that ticket and you'll get it thrown out,
If he followed you and didn't pull you over for speeding, you obviously weren't speeding.
Also he decided you made a violation after you got pulled over. Smells like bullshit!

04-10-2005, 03:13 AM
it was new years eve night

why did you wait so long to ask?

04-10-2005, 10:38 AM
why did you wait so long to ask?

I see that you are from California so your court date should have already come and gone?

04-13-2005, 03:53 AM
Some cops like to pull power trips on people. This guy is power hungry. I would fight it. Hope he dont show for an easy win. Cops around here have a quota, they need to make so many traffic violation tickets each day, each shift. I got a ticket once for having my cruise control on doing 5 over. km/h that is. While other cars were passing my. I respect most cops, but some I just hate.

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