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240sx section needs subforums.

04-01-2005, 02:42 PM
As anyone who has ever heard of a Nissan 240sx knows, it has a million subjects of interest. Engine swaps range from a 1.8l CA18DET to a full blown Chevrolet 350 swap to a Rotary engine. All of these swaps have and will be discussed. Then you know that the 240sx competes in nearly every form of racing known to man. From drifting, to drag racing, to autox. Just recently, a new member came onto the 240sx forum and asked about ice racing. That was a new one to me. My idea is to separate the section down into subforums. Nothing big, but just enough to allow people to discuss what they want to without having to scower through all the other stuff first. I mean, if I don't go on there for a day, I have nearly two pages of topics to look through. OK heres my plan:

240sx/180sx/gazelle/200sx RWD

Then these subforums...

General chat discuss general topics about the 240sx and similar cars
Racing discuss topics regarding drifting, dragging, autox, ect concerning the 240sx and similar.
Technical Discuss technical topics regarding the 240sx and similar.
Engine swaps Discuss various engine swaps into the 240sx adn similar.

I think that will clean up the 240sx section very nicely and keep a lot of the flaming down. Most of it originates from the same stupid arguement of KA24DE vs SR20DET vs RB series. This way, most of the people who start those wars will probably stay in the General chat section making the section much easer to moderate. Most of the guys on there that need tech help are very easy to get along with. Or the people starting those flame battles will stay in the Engine swap section where the KA is not associated very often. SR vs RB is not a very common dispute so I feel that will not be an issue.

Not only will it stop disputes, but a lot of the guys trying to learn will have much easier access to knowledge as they can learn tech stuff in the tech section, learn about the various engine swaps in the engine swap section, or learn about the different racing aspects in the racing section.

Overall, I feel this would be a very prosperous addition to our little part of AF. Thank you for your time.

04-01-2005, 03:04 PM
Thats a good idea but you may also want to add a modding subforum that deals with modifications either performance based like I/H/E/ and turbo vs. N/A or cosmetic dealing with rims/bodykits/lights(sleepy)/and the "S1 _ conversion". IMO most of the flame wars comes from people asking "what looks better the s13 conversion or s15 conversion", "what exhaust would look/perform better", and so on. And if this subforum was made then we could make stickies for the usual questions that most of the regulars get mad(banned for) about. Just my 2 cents. Good idea though Fanatic.

EDIT: P.S. Other than Civic and Eclipse the 240sx is the most active forum on AF yet only 1 forum with no subforums. Even Mustang forum has subforums with about half of the activity that 240 has. Not trying to bully anyone around, like if I could, but I think were in need of a couple of subforums.

Also a regional subforum would be pretty cool too. Like West Coast/ East Coast or since Im in So. Cal., major cities like La, NY, Miami, u know like that to help us get an AF regional car show going on between the 240 enthusiast. *I know that there is already a regional section within AF but have you seen the activity in there, or rather lack of?*

04-01-2005, 05:35 PM
subforums make for a less Viewer friendly environment .. Don’t get me wrong, subforums are great, but they need more maintenance from the mod to keep the thread on subject. Moreover, we don't experience MANY new threads so enforcing a rule that categories new threads is a waste of energy.

Newbs don't read the FAQS sheets, hence the probability of posting in the wrong Subform is great, and consequently, flaming is imminent.

Simple is good, a good title for a thread is the most you can ask from people.
Organization and order in threads and forums is welcome, but I think subforums will make for less new threads…

I like the idea, and especially the effort that you (nissanfanatic) have invested in it; but unless you have evidence that subforms are worth the effort, I will be hesitate to provide my approval.

04-01-2005, 05:59 PM
the only sub forums i want are Ka-t and SR. I like being able to stay in one forum and not have to go to 4 submforums just for one car...thats just my opinion though...

04-01-2005, 08:39 PM
Organization is key to the success of anything. For example, how can you build an engine if everything is scattered about just laying around? I mean, don't you lay bolts out so that each bolt goes in the thread it was originally in? Don't you keep your parts nice and neat so that dirt and such doens't get in it? Don't you like tools to be organized so you can find them? And have you ever had to clean up a huge mess from when you worked on something and didn't stay organized? I know I have, and guess what? Never did it again. I believe that the forum needs organization.

Not all of us want to see general stuff. But some of us would rather see only that. I know you guys love to BS. And that belongs in a general chat section. Personally, I dig the tech stuff. And I know you guys want to learn. This way, if you just want to learn, go to the tech section. Get what I'm saying? Not harder to moderate, its just more time consuming. Which I mean we are on the internet talking about cars with people from aroudn the world. What are you doing? Wasting time.

Hit N Run, I feel you there, but I am one to see everyone's point of view. I don't like to just make me happy. I would rather make everyone happy at once. Even if I have to sacrifice a little bit of my personal desires.

Thanks for your support and criticizm guys. Feel free to post anything you feel has relevence to the subject, ideas, ect.

04-01-2005, 08:50 PM
yea i agree. But not to many subforums. Ka-t and sr would be a wise decision. Because lets face it, both engines are totally different and require different things. But then again you have the occasional rb swap person, who would have nothing to really go to. So just a general tech section would do good, because we have many sr and ka people on here. So all the tech questions could be answered on the same subforum.

I would say just a tech and a general chat section. THe general could just be like about pics of your new upgrades or what not. Or got my new rims, check them out!!! you know what i mean? Then the tech is obvious of what its on. Racing could be under general chat too, because well we dont have to many actual "racers" here. Even if we did it is still somewhat general. Because if you took your car to the track and ran a 12. youd be like hey check what my car ran today. But then at the sametime people would be like wow whats your setup (which is now a technical question), so its kind of hard to do all this "subforuming". But if we could keep it to a minimal that would be great.

But then again if we had all these sub-forums, it isnt a big deal because it would still be all of the same people that are there now. Just more organized. Its not like every sub-forum would be swamped with a 100 new posts every day. So it really wouldnt be at all that different to what we have now, just more clicking, which takes two seconds. So i guess IM IN FAVOR OF IT.

04-02-2005, 12:19 AM
IDK about any of you other guys in the section, but if you ever go to any other 240sx forums, you'll see how nice it is to have separate sections. Racing includes street racing kills as well. And we have had a lot of those lately. Given they belong in the street racing section, its nice to know what the car is capable of with "these" modifications. And see how much the car improved with "this" modification. IDK about anyone else, but the first place I go is down the street. Esp since my track has been closed all winter and its 30 min away.

04-02-2005, 12:26 PM
I think the best way to go about getting sub forums is to first decide on what the majority of the forum would like and then I will make a thread in the mod corner to try and get it carried out for you guys. Create a thread in the 240SX forum and put in a poll so members can vote on it.


04-02-2005, 01:10 PM
Good to see a BANNED mod back in action.

04-02-2005, 01:13 PM
Hehe :evillol:, Haven't stopped. Was just taking care of stuff behind the scene :p

04-02-2005, 03:50 PM
I looked at other forums and I have to agree that subforums does add order and organization to the thread. I believe that subforums (limited to SR, KA, or what nissanfanatic suggested) is an appropriate add-on to the forum.

04-02-2005, 04:17 PM
I created a thread in the 240SX forum to discuss this http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=389847 . So I am going to lock this one up.


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