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1996 Passat Fan/Blower: Vicious Cycle!

03-10-2005, 04:23 PM
The AC/Heat fan stops blowing air after driving for a while.
But when i stop the car and let it sit, (like when i go into
a store..) after i start it up again, it'll blow just fine.
But then it stops blowing again.

Seems that its been doing this for about a year.
Since i live in TX, i want to take care of it before it
hits 90 degrees. (Which is probably sometime in April...)

Any thoughts?

03-10-2005, 07:37 PM
Does it do this at all speeds? You may need to look at the fan wire connector when it quits to see if it has power or not. No power probably means the switch is bad, you can pull it to see if the connector looks melted.

03-14-2005, 09:48 AM
Its my wife's car, so in many respects, i'm going by her observations. Is there an efficient way of checking the 'fan wire connector' and the related 'switch'?
Thanks much for your help.

Does it do this at all speeds? You may need to look at the fan wire connector when it quits to see if it has power or not. No power probably means the switch is bad, you can pull it to see if the connector looks melted.

03-14-2005, 06:17 PM
The fan is located under the glove box & has two wires, one ground & one positive from the switch. The ground (brown) is all the time & the positive (red that turn to yellow on the fan lead) is with key on & fan switch on. If the fan isn't working pull the connector & see if the power wire has power using a simple test light. If not the switch is bad, if it does the fan is bad.

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