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Make it shift?

02-21-2005, 08:53 PM
I've just bought a 2000 spectra GSX (manual trans.)... and the problem I'm having is it's hard to get it from 1st to 2nd and then even worse from 2nd to 3rd. This problem doesn't seem as bad if I shift above 3000rpm and on quick accelerations.

Does anybody know if this is a known issue or do I need to start taking things apart? I'm positive the clutch pedal is going all the way down and it seems if there were a air-in-line problem, it would be uniform all across the board...???

any ideas?

02-25-2005, 10:57 PM
Err... guess not too many folk read this part of the forum. At the risk of sounding like an ass trying to answer my own question, I believe it is the synchro assembly (two of em i guess) that is worn down. Which ones? doesn't matter cause according to Mr. dealer, they don't sell any parts. just a new/rebuilt transmission.

Oh, even better, i was assured that they are always in stock. $850.

I won't speculate as to why they are "always" in stock.

(Edit: ignore my miftededness. i was a bit miffed when i got back from the parts counter. :) maybe it's standard not to sell tranny parts?)

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