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help in "Exhaust pressure sensor circuit malfunction"

01-28-2005, 04:38 PM
i have problem and i need your help to solve error code p470 that i found that means "Exhaust pressure sensor circuit malfunction", please could help me where is located or what sensor i must buy, thanks for stoping in reading this message

01-29-2005, 02:16 AM
What engine do you have? Sounds like it might be a code related to the front heated oxygen sensor? VW sometimes has codes set that dont make sense like that. There o2 sensors sense oxygen and temperature and 1.8t ones might sense pressure??

01-29-2005, 05:59 AM
thanks for stopping, and i have a vr6 engine, standard transmision,and 115 k

01-30-2005, 05:50 PM
You might want to recheck that code number as P0470 isn't a valid code.

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