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engine just stops

12-18-2004, 01:23 PM
i wonder if anyone can help. my car (engine) has developed habit of just stopping after 15 mins of driving. after about 15mins it starts again. the AA said that it could be the 'fuel pump reley' or 'crank sensor' getting hot and sticking open. when it stops, it just dies.it doesnt shudder like it would if it ran ut of petrol. nothing else goes...lights/radio all still works. But it wont restart until it cools down. has anyone had a problem like this and found out what it was?

05-21-2007, 03:26 PM

Did you find out what the problem was as I am having exactly the same problem. It doesn't cut out as frequently as yours but when it does I usually have to wait for it to cool down before it will start again.


05-23-2007, 05:15 AM
I'd replace the elctronic control computer for the engine. They short out when they get older under high heat conditions.

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