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Visually identify/describe these parts, please.

11-18-2004, 01:11 AM
I need to identify the following parts on my 79 diesel rabbit so I can rewire it properly: Coolant temp. control switch, engine temp. sending unit, and the eng. oil pressure switch. I have a thermal switch right where the water goes to the eng. Then I have something at one end of the eng. case that has a single sensor tip, and below it a unit that has a sensor on either side of it, are any of these things the things I named? And which is which? Please help, if I don't get it rewired soon I'll have to junk it and it ran, oh, so well, until some idiot yanked ALL of the wires out. I only have these left to do! Thanks. :confused: [COLOR=navy][FONT=comic sans ms]

12-07-2004, 03:58 AM
i have an 81 diesel rabbit with a/c, so things may be little bit different but i will give this a shot. there are several coolant temptature sensors, as far as i can tell two of them deal with the radiator fan operation, one is associated with the glo plug operation, and the last one is a sending unit for the dash gauge. i assume that the comment that you made about where the coolant goes into the engine refers to the water outlet on the head that has a large hose leading to the top of the radiator. this is probably the coolant temprature swich that you seek (it has two spades coming out of it and is a one inch brass hexagon) . on my wabbit there is another one of these on the side of the radiator behind the battery. these two swiches make the radiator fan come on, i'm not sure wether they are wired in parallel or series (hope you have a diagram). typicaly there are two engine oil pressure swiches, but you will only be concerned with one. one is on the oil filter base (not used) and the other is on the head above the transmission and the water outlet that is connected to the heater core. this swich is the has one spade sticking out (positive) and where it screws into the head completes the circuit (negative lead). which brings us to the "unit that has a sensor on either side of it." this is the water outlet that goes to the heater core (there should be a hose that goes to the firewall). one of these sensors is for the temp. gauge and the other is for the glo system (it prevents the glo plugs from staying on for very long when you start the engine while it is still hot). i've read that on early vw's there is not a way to distinguish the difference except to measure the resistance value when the engine is hot. if after you get the wiring complete your glo plugs come on for a long time when you are starting the engine hot or do not come on at all, or if the temp gauge is reading incorrectly try swaping these two leads. e-mail me if you require any further assistance.

12-08-2004, 09:17 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This should help alot. Any way I could get you to take a picture of the wiring in the engine compartment? I had an after market air conditioning installed and was just going to bypass it to make it easier but maybe a photo would help, otherwise, I might need more help but I'll let you know how it goes either way.
I gotchills!

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