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Euro Tail Lights

10-20-2004, 01:45 PM
How would I go about installing a pair of Euro Taillights on a 2000 Cavalier

10-20-2004, 02:32 PM
R U SERIOUS??...... look at back of new euro lights... see little studs?... look at stock factory lights... see the nut?...remove the lights by twisting them out...use a deep well socket and take those nuts off...notice when you take the old tail light out how it shewed into the plastic?...thats how they work....unwrap the new lights and put them into their place and screw nuts back on... don't tighten all the way at first... there not going to be perfect so you have to move them into place and align them perfectly.... even without buying APC other manufacturers aren't perfect...mine are Eurolite ( toucan industries)

10-20-2004, 04:35 PM
Yeah its pretty easy. like classic said...three studs on each and a nut to hold them in. 90 degree turn to get the bulbs out of the old ones to. same to put them in the new.

10-22-2004, 11:19 PM
After i posted and asked how to put them on. i went out and just did it myself, it took maybe 25-30 minutes wand was very easy. they look so awesome now. i thought it would be hard, but i was wrong. thanks though

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