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1996 cavalier z22 info

10-16-2004, 10:21 PM
hi im new here anyways im thinking about getting a 1996 cavalier z22. its manual trans and only 80000 km on odometer. anyways i was wondering if they are any good and how long they should last. also does anyone know how big the motor on this is? and how much millage i get on a tank and how much itll cost to fill about.. btw im from canada so if u got canadian prices thatll help alot... thx

10-16-2004, 11:37 PM
errr someone should make sticky about that car. Dont pay anything more for a Z22 than what you would a normal cavalier. Cause all the Z22 is just a normal cavalier with a badge on it. The engine sucks, and if the head gasket hasnt cracked yet, it will. Dont buy it.

10-16-2004, 11:46 PM
heh i aint the best in mechanics.. head gascket? is that the thing the sends the spark at the gas to light it? and what u mean by badge? just the little z22 sign? im paying it 3400 negociable canadian... and its to replace my ford escort 94... the shocks just went thru the back speakers so i really need a car... its says all equiped and 4 winter tires included... im wonderiung if its a good deal

10-17-2004, 10:24 AM
put it this way, that car is BB valued at 1,400 dollars in the US. The engine is going to have a major break down that cost about 800-1200 US dollars to fix. The Z22 sign on the car is nothing special, its just a marketing gimmick done by dealers to sell the car.

10-17-2004, 11:00 PM
yeah there are no such things as Z22 its a gimmic

10-21-2004, 09:51 AM
I agree its a little pricey, but I wouldn't go as far as guaranteeing the head gasket will go. Be aware its a possibility, thats all. I've had Cavaliers with 2.2s where the head gasket never blew and I had one with 180,000+ miles on it before it blew.

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