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Coil pack water problem

10-08-2004, 07:34 PM
My Gallardo stranded me at the side of the road on Monday when the engine suddenly spluttered and died, with Engine 1-5 fault and Cat 1-5 fault, on the display.

To cut a long story short, the car was "tilt-trayed" back to the dealer by truck, where they found water in the coil packs.

That was Monday. I washed the car on the Saturday (done it many times before with no problem). Seems that finally all that water going down through the engine cover vents made it's way into the coil packs.

As we now know, there is a recent "coil pack seal upgrade" that will be fitted free of charge to all Gallardo's as a standard update. Mine was scheduled to be done at the first service at 2500km (currently at 1650km). Unfortunately I had the problem happen before upgrade had been done.

The car failed about 160km away from my dealer, Audi Centre Brisbane. Within minutes of me phoning them, they had arranged a special extended length tilt tray truck (Lamborghini "friendly" - so the nose wouldn't hit - which it didn't - one of only two such trucks in Brisbane, apparently) to head off in my direction to collect the car. The truck arrived within two -three hours (my wife needed to pee and found a mower shop 1/2 mile down the road!, and we phoned some friends that own an Espada that just happen to live nearby, and they came to sit with us by the side of the road with coffee and scones to help pass the time) and then we loaded the car on to the truck and then headed back to town, and the truck dropped us off home on the way.

At 7.00pm that evening I got a phone call from the dealer letting me know that they had located the problem and that they would be replacing the coil packs, and also the 1-5 cat, just in case it may have been damaged by the unburnt fuel pouring into it from the "dead" cylinders.

During the "waiting" period for the truck I had several phone calls from the dealer to update me with where the truck was, and to check that we were OK.

All in all, I am really happy with the prompt and efficient dealer support that I received today. Shame about the coil problem, but at least Lamborghini seem to be on top of it and have addressed the problem and come up with a design revision.

If there are any of you guys out their with the original coil packs, I suggest you get them changed ASAP - either that, or don't wash your car!

blah 101
11-22-2004, 10:05 PM
well thats crappy that you got stranded on the side of the road with such a beautiful car. :nono:

At least the dealer helped fix the problem and its great that it didnt mess up your car towing it.

im glad you dont have to worry about that anymore.

where do you live? just curious if i would have seen a lambo on the side of the road i would have freaked out considering ive only seen one in my life and it was a murcielago and i about shit my pants lol..... im from houston texas

Coast Boy
04-05-2005, 07:45 AM
Hi mate,

I haven’t been on this site for a while but the coil pack is a new one to me. I have had many software upgrades for the e-gear and transmission and I am getting another 2005 freshen up for the transmission next week at the same dealership.

It’s embarrassing when a ‘super car’ breaks down, I always feel like a dick standing around which doesn’t happen too often. The dealers know a lot more then they tell, they are learning from all the other Gallardo’s overseas and they just wait for a local car to experience the same problems and there are a few, especially with the e-gear. I have around 8,000Km on my car and in retrospect I should have brought the manual transmission.

Enjoy your car mate.

04-07-2005, 04:42 AM
Hi there Coast Boy,

Saw you driving along Main Beach a couple of weeks ago (assume it was you - don't know of any other orange G cars on the Gold Coast).

Yes, it was embarrasing when our car broke down on the side of the road. There must have been about 3 cars that stopped to take photos - but we didn't "let on" as what had really happened. Just taking a "comfort break"!

Hey, I thought you told me last October during Indy event that you were moving OS and selling the G car??? I did a "double take" when I saw you driving by the other day. In case you were wondering, no, I wasn't in my yellow G car, but showing visitors from India the high-lights of Surfers Paradise (in my Holden wagon - but at least it is an SS version!)

We have to get together next Indy. We are staying at Watermark on Main.



Coast Boy
04-07-2005, 06:24 AM
Hi mate,

I haven’t been on this site for a while but the coil pack is a new one to me. I have had many software upgrades for the e-gear and transmission and I am getting another 2005 freshen up for the transmission next week at the same dealership.

It’s embarrassing when a ‘super car’ breaks down, I always feel like a dick standing around which doesn’t happen too often. The dealers know a lot more then they tell, they are learning from all the other Gallardo’s overseas and they just wait for a local car to experience the same problems and there are a few, especially with the e-gear. I have around 8,000Km on my car and in retrospect I should have brought the manual transmission.

Enjoy your car mate.
Hi Mate,

Yeah it was me and yes I have been spending way too much time overseas, still am actually. I’m off again shortly and the car is for sale. It was taken off the market and put away. I am still selling it but not too much of a hurry anymore. I love driving it so much it is really difficult to let go of. I am racing my Ferrari these days and that’s fun, last week I took the Gallardo onto the track to get a feel for how it runs, I mean all the reviews I read about it before I brought it were talking about it’s awesome power, corning and breaks. Testing these features on pubic roads just isn’t an option so I managed to really get the feel for it. WOW, what a car, it was least 40Km faster down the main straight of Darlington Park raceway then the 360, nothing came close to it, truly amazing.

Let’s catch up next time your down my way. Send me a post to make sure I’m in the country and we’ll get together. Until then, happy driving.

04-10-2005, 05:13 AM
Testing these features on public roads just isn’t an option so I managed to really get the feel for it. WOW, what a car, it was least 40Km faster down the main straight of Darlington Park raceway then the 360, nothing came close to it, truly amazing.

Let’s catch up next time your down my way. Send me a post to make sure I’m in the country and we’ll get together. Until then, happy driving.

Hi Coast Boy,

Sorry, But I guess I'm one of those old fashioned politically "incorrect" people, because I do my "testing" pretty safely I think, on and around the mountain roads back up in the hinterland behind Sunshine Coast / Brissy about 6.00 to 7.00am when there is almost no traffic. Learn the limits of the car, and you will be fine. And yep, those limits on the G car are WOW! But I'm still carefully "stretching the envelope" and only just touched on the limits downhill - haven't yet found the limits uphill - still trying!

Next time I'm down your way will be Indy. See you then?

04-10-2005, 05:25 AM
Hi mate,

I haven’t been on this site for a while but the coil pack is a new one to me.

This is a standard mod that should have been done at the first service. Not sure when you got your car - if it was after July to Sep 2004 then it may have already been done before delivery.

Check the valve covers on the cylinder heads. If you can see any wires disapearing down to where the plugs would normally be, then the mod has not been done. You need it - it is essential.

If the mod has been done, you will see some pressed/formed black metal plates that look like they are part of the valve cover (they are actually stuck on), that shield the individual coil packs from water ingress from above, that mount on top of each plug. You wont see the plugs - they are deep down futher out of sight.

Coast Boy
04-10-2005, 05:49 AM
This is a standard mod that should have been done at the first service. Not sure when you got your car - if it was after July to Sep 2004 then it may have already been done before delivery.

Check the valve covers on the cylinder heads. If you can see any wires disapearing down to where the plugs would normally be, then the mod has not been done. You need it - it is essential.

If the mod has been done, you will see some pressed/formed black metal plates that look like they are part of the valve cover (they are actually stuck on), that shield the individual coil packs from water ingress from above, that mount on top of each plug. You wont see the plugs - they are deep down futher out of sight.

Hi Mate, Love to catch up when you are down, I’ll be travelling overseas a lot this year too but I’ll try and make sure I’m around for Indy. Back to the Coil issues you had, I recently changed one on my 360; Ferrari hadn’t sold one for 15 months as they almost never fail. They told me it might have something to do with washing the engine bay which I do once a month or so. Ferrari took one off a car that had en in an accident and that did the trick.

Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati got getting together in QLD, see story http://www.italiancar.com.au/ and it was amazing. There will be many more in the future and it is a great opportunity to have a ‘stress free’ fast drive of your car. Let me know and I’ll get the next track day dates for you. Take care and happy driving.

04-10-2005, 06:04 AM
Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati got getting together in QLD, see story http://www.italiancar.com.au/ and it was amazing.

I heard about this event and would have gone - got hassled by the Maserati club to go, but we were holidaying in Colorado skiing at the time. Would have been tricky though - I've stiil got my Maserati Shamal (can't bare to sell it) so I would have been in a real dilema as to which car to take.

Sounds like you took both your G car and F car? Howd'you manage that?

Coast Boy
04-10-2005, 06:22 AM
I heard about this event and would have gone - got hassled by the Maserati club to go, but we were holidaying in Colorado skiing at the time. Would have been tricky though - I've stiil got my Maserati Shamal (can't bare to sell it) so I would have been in a real dilema as to which car to take.

Sounds like you took both your G car and F car? Howd'you manage that?

Actually Lambo let me down. The car was in the shop in Brisbane for weeks, about 5 weeks to be exact. Seems the only guy they have to work on the cars went on holidays, he wasn't in Colorado with you was he ;-) I took the Ferrari and it went really well. It is pushing out 255Kw right now with a Tubi exhaust and I have it setup with Novitec Rosso http://www.novitecrosso.com springs and 19" wheels. I'm running 355 tyres on the rear, that's like 13" of rubber a side, awesome grip. I've since had the Lambo on the track a few times and it has blown me and a few others away. The breaks are simply second to none. Having the ability to drive really hot into corners, break late and accelerate with all wheel grip makes it untouchable. The only negative is the head height inside the cabin; it’s really hard to wear a helmet without hitting the roof. I managed to spend 30 minutes with Paul Stokell the Lamborghini racing driver http://www.PaulStokell.com/ and he is driving the Gallardo in the Targa Tasmania http://www.TargaTasmania.com/ and he had set it up with the new adjustable suspension, break cooling and roll cage. The racing seats bolt right to the floor and they remove the roof lining. The cars (2) look great; Crazy John is the major sponsor. I really think if they get the suspension right it will be a very hard car to beat in the conditions of that event. Paul is an awesome champion so I can’t wait to see how Lamborghini do in this event. Speak soon.

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