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Need To Go Faster

10-06-2004, 12:09 AM
I have a 2003 cavalier and i was wondering does anyone out there know how to get rid of the govener so I can go faster the 110MPH.

And some times when i let off the gas the car just dyies, but it will start right back up, what can make it do that?

10-06-2004, 12:25 AM
What on earth would possess you to go faster than 110mph?

10-06-2004, 10:31 AM
heh... there is a way, but i am not going to tell you... due to the fine legal system here in the good ole U.S...when you wreck your car going over the govener it limited to and you tell them you got the info from here.... everyone starts sueing eachother and even AF gets shut down.... And since your a newbie to the seen no one is prolly going to tell you, since you are more than likely wanting to just do this on the street... The only people i know who have it done do it on a TRACK ONLY!!!.... so your best bet is to buy another car that dose not have the govener... like KUSTMACE said... you don't need to be going that fast....But if your persistant and your going to be an idiot.....search for the removed by mod... and thats probably the only thing people will tell you anyways....don't be stupid...be smart!

10-06-2004, 12:07 PM
Trust me frankyboi84 ... I've done 135mph on the freeway before.. not with a Cav..But I'll say one thing.. while it was actually a rush.. I won't be doing that again.. The car didn't feel right at all, and one false move, and I could have killed myself and my passenger...Luckily there was nobody else on the road at the time, but like he said...If you take it off, take it to a track...

10-06-2004, 12:37 PM
Even at 110 mph imagine what would happen if a tire blew, Mario Andretti himself couldn't keep it on the road, and he's got a roll cage, you don't!

I've hit my governor a few times while I was doing 100 all these images of me in my car flipping end over end wasn't cool at all, now I try to keep it under 90 :)

Besides, you're not going to get to 110 in 1/4 mile anyway so there's no need to remove it, it's there for a reason, to save your life...

10-06-2004, 01:12 PM
thanks KUSTMACE for removing that... i thought about it after puttin it in there... it would be better off not mentioned as you removed it for that reason..

10-06-2004, 09:21 PM
shouldn't have posted it in the first place..

You don't need to go over 100 on public roads. point, blank, simple.

10-06-2004, 09:56 PM
What the hell is on your mind son take it down a little. anything above 70MPH is for the track only! Keep it in perspective you have a Cav not a indy car. It is people like you that make car insurance so excpencive for the rest of us.

10-06-2004, 10:35 PM
'nuff said.


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