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AutoX international

09-27-2004, 07:05 AM
I know that autocross is in Puerto Rico, and the United States, right now i live in the DOminican Republic and there is a huge racing scene, so I was wondering what would it take to bring the event to a smaller country like this, would there be inspectioners and stuff involved? Anyone know.

09-27-2004, 10:43 AM
it would probably be pretty easy since you probably wouldn't need insurance there. What I would do is get a copy of the SCCA Rule Book and use those rules for your local autocross club. For safety inspection, you basically just have to make sure that the battery is securely mounted, the brakes work, and the wheels are securely fastened. Also, every person should wear some sort of helmet, on a slower course, motorcycle helmets would probably be acceptable for your purposes.

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