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coolant leak in my 93 cavy

09-26-2004, 07:40 PM
about a month ago while stopped at a stop light on a hill, when the light turned green i hit the gas pedal only to feel like i was in neutral. so i made my way over to a parking lot and stopped the car, furiously i popped the hood tryin to see if i could tell what was the matter, even tho i knew i wouldnt be able to tell. i let it sit for about 2 minutes and started it back up again and it was fine. this happend 2 times again in the same week and all i did was turn off the car, then restart it and it was fine. so i checked my fluids and noticed my coolant was gone, so i put in coolant w/out adding water and it seemed fine. next day it acted up again.someone suggested the filter,so i got a new transmission filter and new trans fluid, drained the old fluid and changed the filter. took it for a test run and it was fine. it ran perfectly for about 3 days and then it started to mess up again. checked fluids and once again no coolant, so i got more coolantand this time mixed in water with it and put it in, left the car running for 5 minutes and then got in and put it into reverse and nothing happend. after talkin to a few friends they said i must have a coolant leak and it is gettin into the transmission, whats the cheapest and quickest fix for this bc i have been without a car for a month and it is killing me. by the way im a senior in high school with no job bc of sports, so thats y i couldnt take it ne where

09-26-2004, 07:55 PM
when you changed the transmission fluid did you see any coolant in the fluid?

09-26-2004, 08:02 PM
well it did seem pretty thick for trans fluid, im not much of a car person so i wouldnt kno if there was ne or not

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