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where to buy crank for 1992 2.2

09-26-2004, 07:40 PM
i traded a kid some slicks for a 92 cavalier and he said it had a rod knock, me being young have never heard a rod knock, so i replaced all the rod bearings, and the number one was all grooved out and looked like copper with one shinny spot kinda off to the side, anyway still clunks and i noticed when idling it looks like the crank pulley is lop sided, and with the pulley never being removed i figured the crank warped somehow?? so anyway where do i buy a new crank?? even a used one would work. any help would be apreciated


09-26-2004, 08:46 PM
You should be able to get one at any Autozone-$138, Advance Auto-$164, or Napa.

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