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Jeep neon kit and LCD washer help!

08-29-2004, 11:53 PM
Hey all, I have been trying to hook up a neon line on my dash and LCD windshield washer sprayer things into my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

On my neons, it says to hook up my neon wire up to my running lights, but I cant find the damned wire. Would anyone be able to give me hinters towards where?

And, on the washers there is the hood heat shield that the water sprayers I want to change are hooked up to, so does anyone know what screws or whatever i need to adjust so i can take off the washer itself or the hood heat shield?


09-09-2004, 03:41 PM
Dude..... don't put those LED things on your windshield sprayers, lol. All the ricers do that here in Austin. Next thing, you will be adding a fart tip to your tail pipe.

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