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electrical problems

07-20-2004, 10:11 AM
( 2000 venture ) Firstly, my fuel gauge is wacky, then my front power windows worked and then didn't work. Sometimes I would turn off the key, and the windows would work again. Now nothing. My air compressor and my power rear windows don't work. Any suggestions?

12-02-2004, 03:07 PM
Your problem will be broken wires under the passenger sill plate(been there)I dont know about the fuel gauge though(i have same problem)maybe someone else has that solution

12-03-2004, 10:35 AM
I agree about the wires for the windows. The Fuel gauge problem is most likely your fuel sending unit in the tank itself. In order to replace it, the tank must be lowered from the vehicle and the contacts cleaned where the sending unit plugs in. Either that or the unit itself must be replaced. The job itself isn't that hard, just time consuming with removing/lowering the empty fuel tank out of the car. It doesn't have to be completely empty, just drive till the gauge says empty (or if you are tracking by miles, till you get to 600 or so). Haynes manual has the procedure, its pretty straightforward.

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