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Model Kit Suggestions

06-29-2004, 01:03 AM
Hey everyone of AF,
I don't know if you guys remember me much, since I haven't really posted anything since September, when school started. Some of my work has included the street version of the CLK-GTR, my custom ITR, a stock built Toyota Celica and most recently completed BMW Z4. However, I am back as you know and if you read some of my current threads, you know that I am on the verge of completing an AMT batmobile. I will have pictures shortly as soon as I'm done.
But I am starting this thread because well I am about to go to college at Penn State, University Park, in just a little over a month. This leaves me just enough time to actually complete another model. Now I know some of the people on this forum can probably do two or three models in this amount of time so don't make fun of me...lol :grinno:
I'm a simple brush (hopefully I'll get an air brush for Christmas) and spray can type modeler with small experience in scratch building things. I've been modeling on and off for 6 years experimenting with model planes and model cars, but I stuck to cars because of my strong passion for them in real life. Hence the fact that I'm majoring in mechanical engineering next year. But still, I modeled extremely on and off because as you can see, I've only completed 4 (going onto 5) models, which I am willing to tell about and show off. But back to the main point of this thread, I want to know what kit do you guys recommend me to buy. I plan to go all out and scratch build parts like turbo chargers and intercoolers; add engine detailing such as wiring and tubing; and I also want to attempt building a body kit for this kit.
Whatever car you guys recommend, I will compile a list, pick a few of them that I like and then I'll post a poll with the selected kits. And whatever kit is picked the most, I will go out and buy the kit either online or at my local hobby shop and start my journey to probably what will be the last model I will build for a long while. (Unless college gives me a lot of free time.)

~Any donate kits would be much appreciated.....lol :rofl:

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