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Krylon primer + Tamiya spray ok?

06-22-2004, 02:46 PM
I went shopping for primer, and found that my local hobby shop charges $5 for a 6-inch tall can of plastic modelling primer while Wal-Mart has the 10 inch tall Krylon all-purpose (including plastic) primer for $4. I was wondering if using the Krylon as a primer and the Tamiya spray to paint over it will be disastrous or if it will yield the same results as with the modelling primer. Thanks

06-22-2004, 05:55 PM
Krylon Primer should be fine I ahve used all types of paint over it including Tamiya. Let it dry a day or two and it will sand better. Do not use it on a humid day ever. Sand it down smooth with 2000 grit paper. It is somewhat absorbent so I usually put a couple of coats on, let dry overnight then sand again and put a couple final coats on. The final coats will go on smoother because the previous coats sealed the primer.

06-22-2004, 08:52 PM
I tried using Tamiya gloss black over a Krylon base and the black didn't seem to stick very well, it ran off of all the sharp edges. I would try it on a scrap piece first. Keep us posted if it works!

06-22-2004, 11:18 PM
will do :) thanks for the feedback

06-22-2004, 11:45 PM
Yeah it works fine. Then again its the only primer i used. I used the testors crap..that totally f'd my car. but yeah.

Turbo Monster
06-23-2004, 12:13 AM
I'd get the wal-mart brand primer, it's thinner, and a lot lighter, so painting brighter colors over top isn't as difficult. If you didn't know, wal-mart's brand is color-place. Check it out, it's the best 94 cents i've ever spent on primer. Krylon is too thick, and waayy too dark. good luck.

06-23-2004, 12:31 AM
hmm regarding Turbo Monster's post, i was planning to buy the Krylon White Primer to go with my TS-26 Tamiya white spray paint... would this still be too heavy and dark?

06-23-2004, 01:47 AM
Do not use it on a humid day ever.
Hmm... could this explain my poor spray paint jobs?

Turbo Monster
06-23-2004, 08:30 AM
I used to use krylon, but I don't really anymore, but I never have tried their white primer, only their gray. Maybe its a little better. Try it and see! Good Luck!

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