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'92 cav Intermittently turning over

06-19-2004, 12:28 AM
I have a '92 4 door cavalier. I replaced the battery in it last year. Just recently it has began to not turn over it seems unless I fiddle around with the shift selector in the Park position. It doesn't matter how long I have been driving it that day or how long it has been sitting during the day as to whether or not it turns over. I have had periods where it has taken as long as 30 minutes to get it started. It seems to be progressivley getting worse and difficult to tell if it has to be in a sweet spot in Park or maybe a sign of the battery or starter going bad.

My mechanical experience is little and I had always thought if it were the starter, that it wouldn't start at all or make horrible grinding sounds. None of that happens. It doesn't matter if I slam it into park or gently put it in park until I hear the click of the safety button for it to even try turning over. The dash lights all come on (ABS, Check Engine, Oil, and sometimes the Brake light stays lit) when turning the key to the start position.

Could it be something with the neutral safety switch, the shift linkage not going into park properly (car doesn't move when in any position in park), and ignition switch, or just battery finally going bad again?

I am up for ideas as I am getting tired of being stuck at house since this is a frustrating problem. Luckily I work right across the street for now until we move.

06-19-2004, 12:55 AM
I am no mechanic, but I had a similar problem and it turned out to be the Park/Neutral position switch. Had to adjust it and it was fine. Does the vehicle start when in neutral?

I was told if you can hear a click under the hood of the engine when turning the key that the starter is okay!

06-19-2004, 07:19 AM
I am no mechanic, but I had a similar problem and it turned out to be the Park/Neutral position switch. Had to adjust it and it was fine. Does the vehicle start when in neutral?

I was told if you can hear a click under the hood of the engine when turning the key that the starter is okay!

No, it wouldn't turn over in neutral either. I think I have found the problem though...It has one of those removable theft devices. I tookit out and placed it back in and it started. Tried it over and over and this seems to be the culprit. I appreciate the idea though. Apparently it has a bit of play in it and not always making contact when you think it is in place.

06-20-2004, 06:24 AM
Is it easy or recommended to bypass the Prolock anti-theft system? It's one of those removable chips you can hang on the keychain. It seems that it isn't making contact very well and I checked the connections to make sure they are clean on the removable switchkey. I have to put it in and find just the right position for it to allow te car to start.

I have searched on Google and have yet to find any instructions or manuals on installing and deinstalling this particular system. I don't receall it being covered in any chilton manuals either. Or is this something I should see a mechanic about or go to a car alarm store?

Wife wants it fixed before she comes home in 2 weeks from her mother's place in florida.

11-20-2005, 11:14 PM
My contribution to my Cavalier 2000 ignition problem:
(a) When in Park position, I got success 1 out of 5 times with crackling noise after some tries. The other 4 times failed no matter how many times I tried (no click, some crackle, but no enginer turn over).
(b) When in Neutral position, I got success almost 10 out of 10 (with a little crackling), except for 3 times in last 30 days. This is now my mode of starting.
(c) The 3 times: Neither P or N will start. Absolutely no noise, no click (or a little crackle). Then I call the CAA (or AAA if you are from US). After waiting for 30 minutes for the CAA help, I try to start on N, and it started (with a little crackle). And I cancel the CAA assistance call. This episode is repeated 3 times almost identically.

Can anyone shed any light to this problem? Seems like some loose wiring?

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