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Dent in Bumper???

05-19-2004, 03:59 PM
Got a ?, I've got a '92 honda accord and it's got a dent on the back bumper on the right hand side. . . can anybody tell me how to remove this?


05-20-2004, 03:50 AM
i don't think bumpers were meant to be repaired, if they get damaged, they'll have to replace with new one.

if it's a small dent, try some body filler

05-26-2004, 03:20 PM
if it's like a dent and not a crease, you can do what I did once. I took a big C-clamp and a piece of wood. Stuck the piece of wood on the outside of the bumper, and stuck the clamp on that and used the clamp to push out the dent. Worked pretty well. You'll have spider webs and cracking paint and it isn't going to look perfect, but I didn't care.

05-26-2004, 09:09 PM
if it's like a dent and not a crease, you can do what I did once. I took a big C-clamp and a piece of wood. Stuck the piece of wood on the outside of the bumper, and stuck the clamp on that and used the clamp to push out the dent. Worked pretty well. You'll have spider webs and cracking paint and it isn't going to look perfect, but I didn't care.

you can have a can of spray paint mixed to match if that works

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