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should have known

05-18-2004, 08:08 AM
Everyone allways complains that Amt or Revell a crap when fitting parts.Well this my 3rd Fujimi kit and the 3rd Veilside and nothing is even close to bloody fitting.the new front spoiler is out nearly 1mm each side and the side skirts are around 3-4mm to short.The kit is a Veilside MR2 the last shape model and the aerokit is resin.Now this will not be a problem as much as it now will become a project to be done
will post some before and after pics

05-18-2004, 08:48 AM
Tha's why the box says it's for advanced modelers.
Any Fujimi kit with resin parts are for experienced modelers, who can correct those inperfections.
I'm looking at the kit right now, and I'm not sure about the front part, but the side skirt fits just alright. Did you cut the body along the lower side molding?

05-18-2004, 10:59 AM
Fujimi's resin parts can be forgiven for their poor fitting as that's one of the problems to be expected with this medium. AMT and Revell often don't get things right with engineered styrene parts.

05-19-2004, 08:11 AM
Tha's why the box says it's for advanced modelers.
Any Fujimi kit with resin parts are for experienced modelers, who can correct those inperfections.
I'm looking at the kit right now, and I'm not sure about the front part, but the side skirt fits just alright. Did you cut the body along the lower side molding?

yep cut along the bottom alright its the actual length that was short its not a big issue as i will just add some styrene sheet and some filler.In one way it becomes a challenge and more fun to build. thats why i also like Amt and Revell.

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