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Lotsa Questions (A/C, Kits, etc)

05-07-2004, 04:05 PM
Hey everyone, just wandered onto the site and think it'll help...

(96 Chevy Cavalier 2.2 coupe)

1. My car has no A/C at all. I'm freaking burning up in the damn thing. I know it can accept it as it has all the proper fuses/etc already labeled, just unused. How hard and expensive would it be to put it in? I'm fairly technically adept, but have never really worked on a car, just minor things. I'm wondering if this is something I could figure out/do myself in the 3 (maybe 3.5) days I'd have at a time to work on it. The base has a big auto place with all the tools, lifts, etc. needed, just gotta pay a few bucks an hour to work on it.

2. Where can I get a replacement back right fender? Mine has a huge scratch on it. It seems to me a dealer would probably over-charge me, and there doesn't seem to be any good salvage yards around for it... any place to order online?

3. Would replacing the intake w/ a more performance-minded one (larger,etc) help? I'm in Colorado, and the air is much thinner here, so I've noticed my car has horrible (compared to before) performance. I'm thinking maybe some sort of cold-air intake or whatnot could improve that somewhat... and can you directly do this to a cav w/o anything else required?

4. I also want to completely redo the interior. That tan is nastier than Oprah in tights. The only things I can really find online though are racing seats, new floor mats, etc. I would need a way to completely redo just about everything. Would look pretty stupid to see 2 black front seats w/ a big 'ole tan one in the back. Does anyone know where I could find any of this? (Console replacements, cloth replacements [roof/door/carpet], and the plastic portions inside [near seatbelts/inner frame/etc.] ?)

5. I would like a bodykit, obviously, and noticed that some of them seem pretty thin. I'm wondering what kind of rigidness they might have. I'd hate to snap the damn thing just trying to put it on. Also, how much do you think a complete repaint costs? (Just need a general idea, screw the 'well, that depends on ppl in your area... etc' crap.)

Engine improvements and whatnot are more of a "later" deal. I just want my car nice (inside and out) for me. Not gonna try to race some ricer... etc. This obviously will mean a new cd player, sound, etc.

Any help is appreciated.

05-07-2004, 04:14 PM
1. It can be done, if you're a good mechanic. I don't even know where to begin to point you for directions, however. Not what you want to hear, but it would be much easier to just buy a car with A/C.
2. Back fender? Not replaceable like the fronts, unless you cut and weld. http://car-part.com/ is a great site for searching junk-yards all over the country, including your home state.
3-5. Someone else will have to handle these questions.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

05-07-2004, 05:00 PM
umm i dont think the thinner atmosphere would hinder your performance, im pretty sure they would facotry adjust the carburators to run in lower air pressure. Unless you bought it in an area with higher atmospheric pressure then it would be hindered.
I only believe this because a while ago my family was planning a snowmobile trip in the rocky mountains, while researching it we found that it was almost required to get a diff air filter and have the carbs tuned to run at that atmosphere. So id imagine the factories or dealers would tune the cars for that atmosphere.

05-07-2004, 05:16 PM
Yeah, it was bought in IL. Definitely a few thousand feet lower... I was told a general tune-up could probably alleviate it somewhat, but I was thinking that a better intake would help too.

Also, if anyone just knows of good places to find parts, or wiring/etc, just post some links. :)

Thanks for help.

05-07-2004, 05:32 PM
it might, but i would call your local chevy dealer and ask them first.

05-07-2004, 07:28 PM
First of all, cavys dont have carbs, they are fuel injected, second, a cold air or even short ram intake is definitely recommended. Induction dynamics makes a cold air intake for the cavalier for like $230 or $270 in canadian cause it comes from canada. AEM intakes will enhance your throttle response and they sound cool. As for a body kit, urathane is more expensive but it is somewhat flexible so it isnt as easily damaged. Fiberglass is cheaper but they do have a tendency to crack or show stress marks on them, so that part is up to you. Fiberglass is somewhat strong though, if you don't hit anything.

05-08-2004, 08:02 PM
Altitude won't affect the mixture either on a FI car-That's what the MAP sensor is for. Altitude compensation.

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