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HOw to remove ECHO radio

04-06-2004, 09:52 PM
My radio has stopped providing sound. The panel seems to work in that all functions seem to adjust or respond but I get no sound.

A few months ago this happened and then the battery seemed to dye. I replaced the battery and things have been fine until now.

I am trying to remove the radio to check the output transistor but I can not figure how to get the top mounting screws out. I can get to the two bottom screws.

Any help? Do these radio's have known problems?

09-25-2004, 08:50 PM
I see you have found the 2 obvious screws for the other screws remove all 3 knobs above the radio you should find the remaining screws there.

After that it should be a mather of pulling the pannel out without breaking the clips or pannel.

I have remove theses panels only once hopefully i haven't forgot any screws :)

good luck with your radio

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