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What truck should we buy? HELP!

02-15-2004, 09:47 PM
Hi! We are going to be buying a vehicle in a few months and we are lost on trying to figure out which would be the best vehicle for us.

We would like something with 4 wheel drive and something that will fit two adults and two car seats...so we are thinking a 4 door 4x4 pickup truck. We need something that my husband can also throw his portable fish house in the back when he goes fishing. We will not be towing anything or anything like that. We also want something that will have the best gas mileage we can get for what we need. Any advice would be SO MUCH appreciated!

Thanks so much!!

02-18-2004, 12:39 AM
what is your price range?
do you want new or used?

02-25-2004, 11:07 AM
Let me suggest a chevy silverado , cause thats what I've been driving around since 2000 and it's been great so far. You can't expect to save on gas when youre driver a V8, but as for hunting/fishing/camping/ or all out door fun this truck is worth it.

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