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what to do with turbo

01-29-2004, 08:31 PM
I want a turbo kit from http://www.exploitedracing.com/ for my 03 auto ecotec. I think i should go witht he stage two kit but im not sure. I also dont know if i should take it to a shop to get it tuned or not. one last thing is what if any boost controler should i get, thanks

01-29-2004, 09:20 PM
if you have the money stage four would be the best gain. Also give a look into www.cavalierconnections.com turbos. Mike the owner is out of town now, but he will get back to you, yes i know the EcoTec turbo isnt on there but he has them.

01-29-2004, 10:32 PM
If you go with a Large turbo you will more than likely have to Change the fuel injector, Poss fuel pump, also internal engine work SHOULD be done. If The Ecotech has Hyperutectic pistons they cannot handles Turbo or super charging, they will crystalize and cause extensive damage.

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