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the dumb kid with the closed deck

01-22-2004, 11:14 AM
i drive a 91 civic hatch with a turbo ls. i recently blew my motor. due to overboost i was running 9psi because my and all other ls's are open deck motors there is such thing as a closed deck motor it is made by dart and is a aftermarket drag block with no coolent lines maby that's what you have do your reacerch fool.
if you dont belive me you can call my work preformance by design. we are in kansas city dont be fooled we aint no cow town look at the ustomer rides notice skylines dahmmmmmmmmmm we are the midwests only performance shop that works on skylines so i think i know my shit

01-22-2004, 10:22 PM
Well apparently your job doesn't involve having the slightest bit of education, especially in the grammar department.

If you blew your b18b running 9 psi then you definitely do not "know your shit."

01-23-2004, 12:01 PM
ha ha...amen to that

01-23-2004, 12:32 PM
yeah you have apparently little to no tuning knowledge if you blew an LS up with a measly 9psi they are good for around 10-12 psi stock.... oh yeah and 9psi on a LS is def. not "overboosting"

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