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After 75,00 Miles: To stay or go?

Car Buff
01-10-2004, 02:24 PM
I have a 2001 MDX with 75,000 miles. It's a great car -- one of the best I've ever owned -- but the lease is about up.

I need to decide whether to buy the car (at about $23,000, including a mileage penalty) or get something else.

Anyone have thoughts on the likely reliability of the car, for the next three years, if I drive around 12k/year? So far, all I've done is change the tires, and Hondas I know can go for many hundreds of thousands of miles. Anyone know of sites or articles on long-term reliability of MDXs?

05-09-2004, 02:26 AM
I say keep it... Honda/Acuras are just like energizer bunnies :D

08-28-2004, 04:59 AM
You've probably decided already, but what did you mean it would cost you $23000 to buy including mileage penalty? If you buyback the vehicle, then you would pay whatever the buyback amount on the lease was for the vehicle, irrespective of what the mileage is. If you returned the vehicle, then you would have to pay the mileage penalty. Figuring a 3 year lease at 12K/yr. and $.25/mile over, you would be penalized $9750. If your buyback was $23000, then deducting the $9750, you'd only be really be paying $13250

03-15-2005, 09:38 PM
I've got the same question...my 2001 MDX 4-yr lease is up in May 2005.
So, did you stay, or did you go? If you stayed, do you have regrets?
I'm starting to check into the alternatives as well. BMW X5? X3? Infiniti FX35?

Or tell the kids to take the bus and ride my Honda Shadow all summer... :evillol:

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