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need help

01-08-2004, 01:18 PM
hello to all..as u may notice i'm pretty new to this forum..but i need your advice on the problem i have with my car..it's an 89 grand prix 2.8 engine..with auto tranny..when it's cold outside..the tranny doesn't want to shift into second gear..so i'm stuck to drive around 5-10 min in first gear obviously not going very fast...as soon as it warms up ( i guess) it shifts perfectly fine..i checked the fluid level ...it's been changed not too long ago and it's at max level...do u have nay ideas suggestions? or of how to warm up my tranny?..i always warm up my engine in the morning..or whenever the car sat for a long period..i must say here in canada the temperature is pretty low overnight in winter times..last night -27 Celsius..i'm waiting for your ideas..thx in advance..

01-08-2004, 05:37 PM
does it not shift AT ALL into second?
regardless of RPM?

01-08-2004, 06:28 PM
Go out and get yourself a Tranny kit. (About $20.00) replace the filter.
Then go over to Cottman Trans or Aamco or anywhere where they do Transmission Flushes. Cost, about $70.00 to $90.00, depends where you go.

01-08-2004, 06:59 PM
well it starts shifting but afetr a while..say 5-10 min of driving in first gear..and yes..no matter what RPM..

01-08-2004, 07:33 PM
My guess is you have a weak trans.-all the O rings and nylon seals "shrink" in cold weather-after driving a while the temp. comes up and the seals expand-fluid goes where its supposed to. The old temporary cure for this was to add app.4oz of brake fluid to the trans-this would swell the seals up. I really don't think having the trans flushed would fix your problem

01-08-2004, 10:19 PM
thanks a lot for your replies guys..just another think..anyone knows a way to warm up the tranny fluid faster? i mean in park i don't think it warms up much..just the engine is warming up..i might be wrong though..i heard that maybe in neutral it would warm up faster but i'm not too sure..

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