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speedo works when it wants???????? plz help!!!

01-08-2004, 11:24 AM
Hello ppl. My 94 prelude si, has a problem. My speedo was working fine, then one day it started going crazy, and would go to about 35mph and just drop to 0. Then i'd turn off my car and turn it back on and it would work fine, but now my speedo rarely moves past 20mph w/o dropping to 0, if it moves at all. Can ANYONE give me a faint idea of WTF is wrong with my speedo. The rest of my dash works fine, including the tachometer. Thanx for ur help guys, any info is better than none.

01-08-2004, 01:12 PM
Okay so its not likely a dash problem have looked to make sure tha cale from the speedo is still properly seated in the transmission? the sounds like a ikely culprit to me. Or maybe the speed gear (inside the trans) is stripped/seized or something. Just an educated guess though I don;t really know what I am talking about.


01-08-2004, 05:37 PM
did you ever mess with the speedo, say, if you installed aftermarket gauges.

01-08-2004, 08:56 PM
Yes if you have indiglo gauges or white faced gauges they can cause this. Also do you know if you have a cable speedo or a electric speedo? If you have a electric then I would say it is the VSS (vehicle speed sensor).

01-09-2004, 12:01 AM
i was just going to say you might have pushed the needles down to far when putting them back on if you have aftermarket gauges.

01-09-2004, 01:13 AM
my sis had this problem with her 91 accord. It is a funny thing when it happens cuz it looks like ur car just turned off or something stupid like that. ANYWAY when she got it fixed i think the mechanic said it was an electrical problem or something and i think it costed like $100-$150 to fix i think. Not sure but yea hopefully i helped.

01-10-2004, 01:13 PM
Hey guys thanx for ur help, i'm not sure if my car has the cable or electric speedo, and i don't have indiglo gauges. I'm not as technical as u guys, but if sum1 tells me what to do i can do it. if any1 would know how to fix this problem, plz let me know...thanx

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