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looking for salvaged honda frame and body

01-06-2004, 09:46 PM
im looking for a salvaged honda civic or integra or something's frame and body to drop a new motor in and rebuild from scratch basically. im in southwest fl, but can pick it up if in florida. hatchback would be nice, and which leads me to the next question...... any b18c1 or b16a for a good price? please lemme know

01-06-2004, 10:21 PM

01-06-2004, 10:40 PM
I live in Louisiana and have acess to some integras.What are you looking to spend and what year model?What about the body damage,paint,ect...?Do you only want salvage cars or some that need work?motor no motor?Auto,manual?

01-07-2004, 12:01 AM
well, something that needed work would be fine but i plan on doing my own body work and painting so thats uneeded. I also plan on doing a swap so if there is one with something with resonable miles thats ok, as long as the price is good..... doing all work myself should save me some sort of money although the swap itself I might need help with. a hb would be great or a 4th gen teg would be cool too, even a crx or delsol might be ok.... as a second option. everything will be stripped and weight reducted..... hope to build a sunday driver, I mean racer.
the key word here is cheap, as long as the motor is ok "if its has been swapped already"

thx for your help

01-07-2004, 10:21 PM
95 lude free in NY. imagestation is down so I can post pics.

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