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More on CAFE Reform - A Potential Threat to Minivans

Bruce Levinson
12-31-2003, 02:00 PM
The article notes that "NHTSA helped launch the minivan boom 20 years ago by allowing virtually any vehicle whose interior can be converted to a flat cargo floor to be called a truck." Furthermore, tightening the definition of light trucks could reduce saftey. The article notes that "eliminating the flat-floor provision would reduce overall safety if it hurt crossovers and minivans, regulators say. If these vehicles were reclassified as cars, automakers would have to improve fuel efficiency by designing lighter vehicles with smaller engines."

It is essential that NHTSA carefully consider the impact any new definition of light trucks would have on American families, including on their safety, their budget and their transportation choices.

The Secretary of Transportation has stated that their proposal is "the beginning of an important national dialogue." You need to participate in that dialogue.

Read article (http://www.autoweek.com/cat_content.mv?port_code=autoweek&cat_code=carnews&loc_code=index&content_code=02907249)

01-27-2004, 07:57 AM
Very astute! CAFE has a tough job. Safety is compromized by reduction of weight with current technology and it appears that the only tool CAFE has is punishing the carmakers that cannot meet CAFE standards. A smarter way to create a shift in fuel consumption is to increase fuel prices. Here in the UK drivers pay about $5 per gallon for gas or diesel and the vehicles sold here are definately more efficient. A rise in fuel prices may not need to be that high in the US to spur sales of more efficient vehicles including hybrids. It is all a matter of economy.

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