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Tuned Up - Now Problems - HELP!!!

12-30-2003, 08:46 PM
1998 Dodge Ram 1500, 5.2L, 60,000 miles

I just put plugs, wires, cap and rotor on my truck.

It starts and idles fine, but hesitates when driving - almost like it's missing a little. It ran fine before I did this tune up.

I've check the wires to make sure their seated right, I've double checked the firing order, etc.

HELP - this is drivng me nuts! Any idea what the problem can be?

12-30-2003, 09:34 PM
triple check the firing order & confirm that the plug wires are going to the right cylinders. Make sure that the cap & rotor are on securely. It wouldn't hurt to check the ignition timing if you can scrounge up a timing light and a specification. other than that, make sure you didn't knock any vacuum lines or wires loose while you were mucking about under the hood. If that doesn't cover it, double-check the plug gap.

12-31-2003, 07:54 AM
that about covers it.
Timing, gap, firing order.
it's possible you got the wrong plugs. either too cold or too hot, which could cause a problem.

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