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Pro Touring ITR!

12-19-2003, 09:46 PM
I would like to say thanks to everyone at AF for making this a great place to spend free time, and improve my skills. Although we've all had some arguments, I'd like to say, I'm sorry. My new years resolution is to improve my Modeling skill and overall be extra nice, so I get more models next year!

Now, onto the topic. I really don't feel good about my F&F eclipse(revell), and seeing as it's awd, and the wheel bases are the same. I was wondering if I could use the tranny/transaxle from the AWD eclipse, and drop the :uhoh: vtec, I have all planned out in it, and stuff it in the revell itr body. i realize I'll probably have to cut the honda engine bay and eclipse engine bay and swap them out. But, I just want the best ITR possible. Since my last two were 'no nonsense rice' I want to do a pro-tourer version. Seeing as I've never seen an AWD honda, much less an ITR, I was wondering, is this possible? Or am I just plain :screwy: ?

Layla's Keeper
12-19-2003, 10:34 PM
I'd think it'd be easier to modify pieces out of a Honda CRV kit to represent an AWD Integra than it would be to use Eclipse parts.

It'd be neat. No easy feat, but certainly pretty cool.

12-19-2003, 11:16 PM
Whoa.....Frankstein....anything's possible I guess.

Would it work though? Honda engines are reverse rotating. I don't think the Mitsu tranny would work in this manner. I don't think Mitsus are reverse rotating. Could be wrong.....

The ITR is already a track star......

12-19-2003, 11:41 PM
Well, niska. It's a model. It's not real, so that doesnt matter to me. I just hate to get a ITR, because I hate FWD. No offense to others, it's just how I am. This way, I have f/4wd.

12-20-2003, 12:57 AM
Well....it is your model.

12-20-2003, 12:07 PM
Thanks for your opinions. I think I am going to do it, because it's different. Of course, I'll finish the R31 first.

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