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newbie coilover question

10-24-2003, 07:30 PM
Alright I have some Cosmo Racing Coilovers I dont have the money to get new shocks right now should I just wait to buy new shocks or what should I do.... before I put them on...... I would only be lowiering it like 1.25 inches 97 civic coupe

10-24-2003, 07:40 PM
Alright I have some Cosmo Racing Coilovers I dont have the money to get new shocks right now should I just wait to buy new shocks or what should I do.... before I put them on...... I would only be lowiering it like 1.25 inches 97 civic coupe

if it's no lower than "1.25 then you should have too much trouble on your stock shocks depending on how much wear they have on them already. I'd still wait to get some shocks before putting them on, but since that's a minimal drop amount, shouldn't worry too much, not for a while at least.

10-25-2003, 01:16 AM
Wait for the shocks.

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