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Can't Figure it out, Can anyone help

08-13-2003, 10:38 AM
I currently have a 1995 Aspire sitting in my dad's garage. It is in great condition, except we can not get it started. It will crank, but will not start. My dad has been a mechanic for over 25 years and can pretty much work on anything. This is the only car that has him stumped. He thinks it might have something to do with the computer, but he does not have the proper equipment to pull codes. Since the Aspire is actually foreign, there is not much more we can do to find out what is wrong. Is there anyone out there that might have some suggestions or maybe a place that would be able to help us. :comprage1

08-13-2003, 11:37 AM
Surprised your dad, who is obviously qualified, can't figure it out. Only place to go would be a Ford service center or local mechanic's shop.

08-13-2003, 01:59 PM
is the engine getting gas, are the spark plugs sparking?

What has been tested so far.

fordin K
08-15-2003, 06:10 PM
make sure your dad does like the other post and test ALL possible concerns ex. spark, fuel, strong battery etc. computers contol how cars run and perform. but upon start up the main control is the security part. like ignition cylinder having the right key. if not the fuel pump will not run. FORD's use the system alot. GM uses the chip in the key trick.
unless the car has been sitting for AWHILE , it should start right up....

08-18-2003, 08:17 AM
Ok, he has done checks on the distritbutor, spark plugs, gas pump, he got a map from one of the guys at work of all the wires that he could check. I talked to him over the weekend and he said that we need to get a ford dealers manual for the Aspire. Oh and I made a mistake, I thought it was a 95, when actually it is a 94. So the next thing is, does anyone know where I could get a cheap dealers manual for the car?????? And when I say cheap I mean cheap. Oh and thank you for all your advice.

03-25-2005, 12:38 PM
You might try reaplceing the mass flow air sensor the car with crank like hell but wont start if this is bad, just unplkug it, if it starts then reaplace the sensor,

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