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This is for polygon

07-26-2003, 09:21 AM

this story is great. Some dude in a S-10 gets in the b!tch lane (lane that merges after
light about 200yds ahead) next to my Dad in his 89 GTC Le Baron. He looks over at my Dad
and inches up a little past the line. My Dad stays where he's at. Dude inches up even more.
The other peoples light goes red and dude starts to take off but realizes he's a half wit and
that there is another arrow still. He's now got his rear tire even with my Dad's front tire.
My Dad gives her some gas while holding down the brake gets the rpm's up and the light
turns green. Dad takes off kid takes off, my Dad pulls his rear to the kids front tire. The kids
truck is screaming and my Dad gains about 6 more feet on him then has to slow down for
the cars ahead. My Dad looks over and the kid is flipping out and flys past him and cuts infront
of the car ahead of my Dad and almost causes an accident.

Had to share that story Score one for the Le Baron Turbo wooooo hooo

08-20-2003, 01:40 AM
Hehe, not that anyone really comes in here much.

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