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'09 f-150 transmission leak

11-14-2021, 11:53 AM
'09 f-150 Lariat 5.4L V-8 ext-cab. 153,000 miles

Had a tranny service done about 6 months ago at a shop that I have used before. Was changing the oil and noticed some trans-fluid leaking so I took it to a local shop to have it checked. THIS TRUCK DOES NOT HAVE THE TRANS-DIP-STICK SYSTEM ON IT SO I COULD NOT TELL HOW LOW THE FLUID WAS. That is why I took it to a local shop.
After a day there I called to check on it, and was told "the leak was coming from a plate with a circuit board on it and no one had any in stock even the Ford dealer in which I was told would be 1300.00 for the part if it came from Ford. A vendors price would be 650.00-750.00. Also no one had it in stock because of 'shortages on parts'. The best that could be done for now was to top it off with fluid until the parts come in.
5 QTs @ $9.00 a QT was put in. I paid them for the service they did and thanked them, now don't get me wrong I just like to play it safe and check things out before paying this kind of money out. Does this sound legit???

11-15-2021, 09:06 AM
I would ask your question to this other 09-14 forum as you might get a faster answer there.

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