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08 F250 v10 injector codes

01-09-2020, 08:55 PM
I recently bought a 08 f250 with the v10. It threw a p0210 code first. So faulty injector connection. Then before I could look at it threw p0300 and p0310 codes meaning misfires and specifically cylinder 10 misfire. Is it likely the 0210 code is the actual cause and I just need a new connection or should I look at replacing that injector? The work and skill required isnt a issue but my budget is tight and dont want to throw parts and it. I also dont have tools to test stuff, just the tools to replace things. Thanks

02-24-2020, 12:36 AM
Figured out the issue. Probably not the most common cause you guys would face but for me it turns out my injector clips were brittle and were getting loose. A little di electric grease on the connections and electrical tape to hold the plugs on got her fixed till I can afford a new injector harness

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