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Jammed electric window

07-04-2003, 08:50 AM
i was just wondering if any1 has had a similair problem and would know how to repair a jammed electric window aya.. its only made it half way wont close fully.. the rubber has worned off probally or need re-alligining.. because the glass window seems off proportioned..? i have to wait a week for my mechanic to get it done damn*.. any1 got some tips.. ive never taken the door into pieces and im afraid that i may accidently ripp my tweeter and speaker cables off in the process..! jus wondering if theres a way to explain how i can get it apart saftly... and how to realign the damn thing :confused:

07-04-2003, 05:49 PM
2000 vehicle... don't u still have warranty on that?

07-05-2003, 12:24 AM
i bought it second hand.. but i actually still hold warrantee i just cant wait a week for the mechanic thot to try it for myself.. i tried today but it really is jammed.. oh well.. cars disabled for a week! or 2.. :frown:

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