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93 4 runner MAF

05-09-2019, 03:15 PM
A coworker has a 93 4 runner with the 3.0. I don't have alot of info but I'll try to give you what I have. Sometimes randomly it will lose power or just die and not restart. He could get it to start if he unplugged the MAF the plugged it back in. Took it to a shop and "tested" and replaced the MAF ran fine for two months then same problems. Replaced MAF again did this three times now.

If it is a bad mass air flow sensor is there something going on that keeps killing them or what's the deal?

Brian R.
05-09-2019, 11:25 PM
One possibility is that he has an oil-whetted paper air filter which is contaminating the MAF filament. If it were over-oiled, it would kill the MAF sensor after a while. Even if he doesn't have one, he can try gently cleaning the MAF sensor filament with a cotton swab and electronics cleaner.

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