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A/c problem

08-08-2016, 05:04 PM
I have checked the charge and it shows to be right on the mark. At an idle the air is cool but not cold as i drive it gets warmer please help

08-08-2016, 05:05 PM
Btw its a 1 ton 12 valve

08-08-2016, 06:05 PM
You checked the charge- right on the money--WTF- how do you know?, pressures tell you zilch- the ONLY way to know is by extracting and weighing the refrigerant and comparing it to the under hood label specification.

Too many variables to determine charge level by system pressure-- like rpm, cooling fan operation, blower speed, road speed- ambient temperature- just to name a few...

Chris Stewart
08-08-2016, 07:27 PM
Is the accumulator (the aluminum canister, about 1 quart size), dripping wet with condensation?

08-09-2016, 12:01 AM
Yes and the line too but at higher rpms it goes up from 35 to 55 on the guage do you think i might need to replace the filter?

Chris Stewart
08-09-2016, 06:36 PM
Hmm, I haven't sped the engine up on mine to see if the low side pressure increases or decreases.
Does the air come out the vents you select?
Have you turned the temperature knob to hot, to be sure the blend door is working?

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