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A.C. Quick Disconnect Tool

06-04-2016, 11:52 AM
I would like to know who makes a quick disconnect tool for the 2000 LS 3.9 Liter line from the A.C. Compressor Manifold. I measure 1 inch but the biggest size that is available at the Auto stores is 7/8”. The Ford Manual refers to Rotunda 412-039 (T84-19623-B) kit but the largest size there is 3/4”. I tried the nylon 7/8” that leaves a gap but I can’t pull the line apart. It will rotate a little. Also tried WD40 and oil. Anybody know who makes the correct tool? It might be European since many of the parts are shared with the Jaguar S Type.

06-04-2016, 10:23 PM
You probably have the correct size tool, but the o-rings may be stuck and keeping it from coming free. If you can get the line to where you can rotate the line, that might help.


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