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How would you say PORSCHE ?

05-18-2016, 01:45 AM
This video suggests a way to say this name, PORSCHE



05-18-2016, 01:09 PM
The E at the end is not a silent E. It is a two syllable word and the founders' last name. Since its rooted from someone's name, there's only one right way to pronounce it. Shortening it to a one syllable word is a result of typical American ignorance that unfortunately has a tendency to worm it's way north of the border as well. Being born and raised in the USA and not Even so much as visiting another country for all 29 years of my life (yet), one thing I've realized is that intelligent people are a minority in this country, and this issue of mispronunciation, as minor as it may be, is just another example of ignorance with a slight whiff of arrogance to it. I did a research paper in high school on the history of the German automotive industry (something to do with how certain German industries were effected by WWII.) When I learned about the roots of Porsche and how the name is pronounced properly, I changed my ways.
Let me put it this way, how would you like it if a huge number of people went around blatantly mispronouncing your name?

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