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suggestions plz on a 96 civic dx

07-01-2003, 02:52 AM
i have a 96 civic dx. whats worse is that its an automatic. its the only thing i could afford when i had to buy plus i didnt really know how to drive a stick at the time either. but i was jus wonderin what kind of engine swaps would be good. i only work part time gettin 6.35 an hour so a $3k engine is out of the question for the most part, cuz i havent even paid it off yet. perhaps an engine halfway between a d16 and b16? speed isnt my main focus, but dont get me wrong, i wanna be able to keep up with everyone else out there. plus if i get a new engine, would it be really expensive to get a manual tranny? my bro has an extra 89 integra, which he was sayin somethin about using that tranny. but any suggestions about what i could do would be appreciated. thnx :biggrin:

07-01-2003, 09:24 PM
a manual transmission swap would cost you more money after labor and parts than just buying a manual would be, and if you know where to shop, you can get b16s for much less than $3000.

07-05-2003, 02:48 AM
just take it the show route if you dont really care about speed much and intake header exhaust and a small shot of nitrous

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