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2004 Impala LS Disable Passlock without factory radio?

10-08-2015, 07:25 AM
I have a 2004 Impala. It has 200,000 miles. I bought it brand new. Ever since brand new, I've had issues with the passlock where the car wouldn't start on random days and the security light came on. When it was brand new, I had no idea what was going on. I had it towed to the dealer while it was only weeks old and they didn't know why it was doing it (so they said). So, I've struggled with it for 9 years now. This morning, it did it to me again. I decided to google it again and see if anyone had a faster way to get through the lockout other than putting the key in the on position and waiting 10 minutes. One guy showed a youtube video showing the passlock could be disabled using the factory radio. I don't have the factory radio anymore. Does anyone know how to disable the passlock without the factory radio? I do have an actron scanner. I'm wondering if there's a way to disable it using this tool through the odb2 port.

10-09-2015, 09:23 PM
Well I tried what was posted on this website.


I cut the on wire then soldered in a resistor and bypassed another wire, which I understand is bypassing my factory security. I used my meter and found the resistance of the ignition and just permanently soldered in a resistor. My car started quite a few times after I finished so only time will tell if it's a perminant fix.

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