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Toyota Camry 96 - broken side light + fused out bulb of yellow turning light

01-26-2015, 11:29 AM
Hi! I am near inspection date and I am hoping someone may be able to answer some of my questions concerning replacement.

My turning light needs a bulb replacement (I believe, since when I click to turn right it makes quicker clicking sounds). Does this mean bulb is out or wiring is out? ****Can someone inform me the type and name of this bulb so I may replace it?

As for the side light (also on the right) has fallen off and can no longer be screwed back in place as that part has broken off so I will be buying the replacement part/lamp. However, when it fell, the wiring was disconnected so i have lost the bulb and any connection to it. I think I still have the rubber wiring harness, just missing the wiring & bulb. ****Can someone also inform me the type and names of the parts for the bulb + plug + any associated wiring I would need to purchase?

Thank you so much. I am sorry if this is a repeat question. Really looking forward to a response.

Mike Gerber
01-26-2015, 01:06 PM
This should help with all the bulbs required for you car:


I would print this out and keep a copy of it in your car.

Can't help with the side light. A picture might help. You can also just call a Toyota dealer's parts department and see if they know what you are asking for. This is probably an item you will have to obtain at a dealer or a salvage yard.


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