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Sound after steering to the right

10-23-2014, 03:09 AM
2000 Nissan Maxima

Last year I replace the steering pump (new) and steering rack (from scrap) for leakage. Since then I never needed to add Steering Fluid. It was always at the same level.

10 days ago I took the car for washing and noticed a massive red oil drop (maybe 100 ml) down on the floor of the washing garage. It was a very new leakage problem because the oil wasn't there where I parked for 10 minutes 30 metres away from the garage (I drove 10 km from home to the garage).

We did not wash the car and park it inside waiting for the opposite repair garage to be free. After few hours, the steering fluid was all gone. I put some and drove it to the opposite garage. The big power steering hose was found damaged and we replaced it with a new one.

Now everything looks normal except when I turn the steering wheel to the right for more than a turn and then turning it back to the middle, it clicks once. It sounds a metallic thing, and I'm not sure if 'click' is the right word for describing it.

What do you think it is?

10-26-2014, 07:38 AM
My friend says it could be the right strut spring. What do you think?

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