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Recommended lathe for a newbie

10-06-2014, 04:11 AM
Hi Lads.

Well I'm getting into the whole car model building(1/12,1/24), and have been searching this forum and others for opinions but would like a direct answer. My interest would be building car parts ie wheels, brake discs, rivots etc I am a complete newbie really. I have used a full size lathe in metalworking at school but at 45 that's no real help for me now ��. I have researched the web and am really interested in the Sherline 4000/4100 mini lathe, but would like to know exactly what is needed to begin machining alu parts etc. There are many lathe 'packages' on the bay but yea..not knowing what is needed (tools/chucks) makes it difficult. Budget 1000-1500 and yes I do know more is required for 'extras'

Thanx for reading...


10-20-2014, 06:08 PM
Hi Brett,

May I suggest you go to GPMA Yahoo groups! Some of the guys there put together as really useful guide to all the items you'd need from Sherline for car modelling. IIRC, it's saved in the files section!

Afraid I can't help you further as I'm a Chinese mini-lathe owner!:smokin:

11-05-2014, 07:52 AM
I already own a Sherline lathe and mill so I think I can help you. The most comprehensive package is the 4000/4100C as it has almost everything you'll need. However you need to decide if you will need the thread making ability and the compound slide right from the beginning. If not, then package B is more convenient and you can use the rest of money to buy other tools, drills etc.

Sooner than later you will want to buy the mill as well, since lathe has limited use.

I was on tight budget so I bought the A package and later got most of other accessories, based on the need.

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