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Looking for FA20 engine... sold separately?

chato de shamrock
09-26-2014, 09:15 AM
Hey guys,

I bought the Aoshima Toyota 86 kit (without the engine) last month and it arrived about two, three weeks ago. When I looked through it I noticed the hood does not get glued and there's a large space under the hood. I guess you guys know where this is going. I've been searching around for anyone or place that sells the engine whether it be plastic or resin. So far I havent had any luck until about half an hour ago when I stumbled into this website:


I've never heard of this site so I did another google search looking for other vendors that sell this part. That website has a model number so I searched "aoshima fa20." Nothing. Although, in that search i came across this site ( http://www.freewebs.com/briffak/toyota86.htm ) in which the person mentioned he/she was able to purchase the engine separately and provides the tree number. Another search was done. Again, nothing.

So my questions are, has anyone bought from this site before? Any info someone may have of this site? Does anyone know if Aoshima ever sold the engine individually? Did they discontinue selling it or did this person contact Aoshima to purchase the engine tree from them? Does anyone make resin kits of the engine? I could have sworn 81 was selling it, but i visited their site and nope.

Thanks for a moment of your time and for any info you guys can provide.

09-26-2014, 11:32 AM
Not exactly the right engine but close enought that you might want to look that way:


I bought from them before and, it was just like they advertise, took about 2 weeks to get here and quality was pretty good, better than what i'm used to see from resin caster...

09-26-2014, 12:28 PM
Aliexpress is a portal site for web stores run by Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce company in China (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_Group). It's kind of like Rakuten or Amazon, where shops utilize it for online business without running their own web site.

Looks like that particular shop is selling the FA20 sprues individually. My guess is that they are excess stock from the factory that molds the kits for Aoshima.

Mr Plumb
09-27-2014, 02:59 AM
Hobby Easy had the seperate sprues on sale about 6 months ago now, the link is here:


I got myself 5 of them whilst they were in stock, but its always worth checking to see if they have any in stock. It was my first order with them and everything went smoothly, It might be worth dropping them an email asking if they are getting any more in stock?

chato de shamrock
09-27-2014, 08:28 AM
Not exactly the right engine but close enought that you might want to look that way:


I bought from them before and, it was just like they advertise, took about 2 weeks to get here and quality was pretty good, better than what i'm used to see from resin caster...

Were you talking about buying from eightyone81 or aliexpress? I've bought from 81 about three times so far. Spoke with them through facebook to buy a set of tires (without wheels) on my next order and they were kind enough to sell them to me. My purchases with them have been smooth.

I reached out to hobbyeasy but just noticed its 9PM at their end so ill wait and see if i hear from them on Monday.

09-27-2014, 06:58 PM
Were you talking about buying from eightyone81 or aliexpress? I've bought from 81 about three times so far. Spoke with them through facebook to buy a set of tires (without wheels) on my next order and they were kind enough to sell them to me. My purchases with them have been smooth.

I reached out to hobbyeasy but just noticed its 9PM at their end so ill wait and see if i hear from them on Monday.
Iwas talkng about eightyone81....

chato de shamrock
09-30-2014, 07:03 PM
Hobby Easy had the seperate sprues on sale about 6 months ago now, the link is here:


I got myself 5 of them whilst they were in stock, but its always worth checking to see if they have any in stock. It was my first order with them and everything went smoothly, It might be worth dropping them an email asking if they are getting any more in stock?

Thanks again Mr. Plumb. Hobbyeasy got in touch with me on Sunday. They had 4 in stock. I placed my order last night for 2 so there may be 2 left for anyone interested. Thanks again for sharing this vendor with us, they never came up on my search.

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