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2005 srt4 need help getting dialed in.

09-22-2014, 09:02 AM
Hey Guys, Just bough my second srt4 a month a go. The first was an 04 I had was a great car with stage 2 and never an issue. omg this one is a nightmare. 2005 stage 0, big front mount and cat delete I have been messing with the vacuum lines trying to get this car just to run a stock 15psi. The weirdiest thing is if I put a manual boost controller in the wastegate line nothing happens. I have a agp wastegate with 12 psi spring(I believe, it came with the car). There a defiantly no boost leaks(19 on gauge in vacuum) and the higest I'm getting is 12psi and I have cut the threads as far back as I can go on the wastegate and screwed it in as far as I can and I only get 12psi. I have tried running the vacuum lines with the soleniods and without. Again I put a manual boost controller in the line or just pull the vacuum line going to the wastegate and nothing happens it still runs 12psi. I my old neon, i put a boost controller in and it would spike like 25+psi. I've spent alot hours underneath the hood and you guys are my last resort before a dealership. I hate that I ended up with somebody elses mess, but hopefully can get it cleaned up. thanks

Side note when I put the stock wastegate back on and using the soleniods it runs 4 psi, with the boost controller all the way closed it should spike some crazy number and I doesnt. No matter what you do or how you hook it up 4 psi.

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